“As a young family starting our cattle program, Flying H Genetics has really helped us make tremendous progress with both their advice and their high quality genetics. We bought our first bulls from Flying H in 2004 and the last few years our calves have been either the high selling or next to high selling group for their weight class. When they come in the ring it is quite noticeable they are heavier muscled than straight Angus calves. What we really like is the consistency and high quality of their bulls and it shows up in our calves.”
Jason and Kelsey Kunkel – Nebraska
“My Dad bought his first bulls from Helms family in the 1960s. Over the years we have been impressed with the improved quality and value of the bulls each year. Using Flying H Genetics bulls has improved our cowherd and made us a lot of money. We have only been to the Flying H Ranch one time and always buy our bulls sight-unseen on the phone. The one word I would use to describe Flying H is Trustworthy.”
Sean Brenner – Colorado
“Between my Dad and me, we have bought bulls from FHG for over 30 years. Disposition, calving ease and weaning weight are the top 3 traits that are very important to us since we sell our calves off the cow in the fall. We are impressed with the continued improvement in the bulls each year. Not only are the bulls from FHG Impressive, but Dick and his crew have been a very impressive and caring group of people to work with.”
Jeff Grabill – Nebraska
“Buying Flying H bulls has given us a HUGE improvement in the quality and weight or our calves. We bought our first bulls from Flying H in 2012 and now are exclusively a Flying H Genetics customer. They produce great bulls and stand behind them 100%. They have a large number of bulls to choose from and the calves out of our FHG bulls are the best we have ever produced.”
Todd Lawson – Houston Farms, MO
“My experiences with Flying H Genetics have been very satisfactory. It is a respectable place with a crew who do what they say they’re going to do. Last spring, I had a small issue with one of the bulls I had purchased. The problem was well taken care of with prompt attention and care.”
Roger Pierce – Southeast MO Cattleman
“I have been extremely impressed and pleased with the Flying H crews’ quality of customer service, fairness, and attention to detail. They walked me through their bull selection & buying processes, explaining to me what I may need and not need at my convenience. I am very pleased with the 8 FHG bulls I was a part of purchasing in 2011. They have held up better than any bulls we have bought before, and I really look forward to our first set of calves.”
McShane Bartlett – Kentucky Cattleman
“We are very pleased and happy with our bull we purchased from Flying H Genetics. It is a very gentle, good natured bull. He has serviced lots of cows and has always generated a 100% calf crop with no calving issues. The calves wean off very well each time and are taken to market and sold in an even group. Those calves have always been in the top 5% of calves sold on sale day.”
John & Linda Stewart; Stewart Farms – West Central MO Cattleman
“This past fall, Flying H went out of their way to help with a bull that wasn’t working for me. They promptly delivered a quality bull to my farm. My new bull has been absolutely excellent! It is an even tempered, outstanding bull that is a very aggressive breeder. I am totally pleased!”
Donald Beeson – Southwest MO cattleman
“Over the last couple years, I have purchased over a half dozen bulls from Flying H Genetics. I have been very satisfied with the calving ease and growth of my calves from these bulls. As a Missouri cattleman, I like how these bulls are developed on fescue and can maintain themselves through the breeding seasons without falling apart. Also, their customer service is top notch. I know that if I am in the middle of a breeding season and I have a problem with a bull or need a quick replacement, they will take care of me.”
Randy Steckly – Garden City, MO
“We purchased two bulls this past spring from Flying H and turned both of them out with cows for 60 days. They held up awesome and are still in great shape!”
Donnohue Farms – Appleton City, MO
“I have received nothing but 110% effort from Flying H Genetics’ bulls and services. I have bought close to a dozen bulls in the last two years and they are thick, gentle, and easy calving. Their customer service is excellent, and they are always willing to help out and go the extra mile for me.”
Bohannon Farms – Holden, MO
“I have purchased several Grown On Grass bulls from Flying H over the past few years and have been very satisfied with their performances and durability. Their calves come easy and grow fast. I will definitely be back for more.”
Gilbert Voegeli – Russellville, MO
“The Grown On Grass bulls I purchased last spring held their condition remarkably well for yearling bulls and worked hard enough to get every cow I put them on bred. In fact, they worked so well, I purchased a handful more last fall. I am also very anxious to see this years calf crop out of my SimAngus cows bred to Balancer bulls.”
John Parrish – Southwestern Oklahoma Cowman
“I’ve purchased two sets of Grown On Grass yearling bulls, and they look as good the day I pulled them out, as the day I turned them in. Another real plus about working with the Flying H crew is their customer service; they always return your call or text and will work hard to satisfy your needs.”
Travis Fitzsimmons – Oklahoma Cowman
“I recently had my Flying H Genetics bull suffer an unexpected injury; however, the customer service I received from the crew at Flying H made the process easy and painless. They went out of their way to make sure I had a good bull to cover my cows. I’ll definitely be back to buy another because they stand behind their product 100%.”
Chad Neuroth – Missouri Cattleman
“Our 70 year old commercial cattle herd in North Alabama has been using as our seedstock source Flying H Genetics for ten years. We have and are using Red Balancer bulls (Red Angus x Gelbvieh) with excellent results. Our steers consistently grade 95% choice with a 65% cutout when finished in the feedlot. Our heifers also are maternally strong with over 92% conception rate in the first year.
When selecting bulls to put on our cow herd, one of the most important ingredients for us is the integrity of the breeder. Dick Helms and his family always offer cattle that are based on accurate and honest parameters. Their bulls are better than advertised. They are not over conditioned but are ready to go to work and sire good calves.
Over the years, our purchases of bulls from Flying H Genetics have left us pleased with the way they were represented. Many things in the cattle business vary, but one can always count on pure genetics breeding true. We appreciate the Helms family providing us with good genetics for our herd which has become an asset, more than just a purchase.”
Raymond B. Jones, Jr. – G.W. Jones & Sons Farms – Northern Alabama Cattle Family
“I bought a yearling this fall and used him on 25 cows. When I pulled him off the cows at the end of January he looked good, if not better than he did when we bought him!!”
Matthew Bahnsen – Walking 6 Ranch – Kansas Cattleman
“I know you probably do not remember me, but I bought a bull from you in the spring of 2008 at Joplin. I have a small herd and wanted a bull I could retain heifers from. We are now calving the second round of calves out of that bull , and I could not be any more pleased than I am. Being a very small produce I wanted my calves to hit the ground in a very short period of time. Last year I calved out 12 head in 31 days, 11 of these calved in 15 days and I had one hold on for a couple of weeks. I was very pleased. This year I have calved 15 of 17 cows in 13 days, and the others will calve any time now. I have not sold any of last year’s calves yet, but will do so as soon as the grass starts to green up. Those calves are some of the best looking calves I have ever had, and I can’t wait to get the heifers into production. This year’s crop looks just as good. The bull has held up real good. He never lost any weight to speak of even though I took him from my cows and put him in with my brothers herd and then from there into 7 head of heifers to start a fall calving group. His disposition has been the best. I work full time in construction and do not have the time to put up with ornery animals. He has never gotten out or even showed any signs of getting upset even when we work the cows and calves.
I wish I could keep him around another year or two, but we will start breeding his heifers this fall and for that reason I will sell him after this spring’s breeding season and will be calling you for a replacement this fall. I know I am a small drop in a big ocean, but I wanted to thank you for a great bull and I can’t wait to see how the next one does.”
Joe Sloniker – Missouri Cattleman
“There is no question as to how well the Grown On Grass ™ bulls transition into breeding pastures. Last spring, we purchased bulls from Flying H Genetics and from another major competitor that developed their bulls in the traditional feed lot test. The feed lot tested bulls were turned in with a smaller group of cows and immediately began to melt. We had to pull those bulls and feed them hard to get them back into decent shape. Meanwhile, in a pasture with more cows, the Flying H bulls never had to be removed and were aggressive enough to settle every cow.”
Wengerd Farms – Missouri Cattleman
“We’ve purchased bulls from Flying H Genetics for over 30 years and have only visited the ranch one time. We use their video and catalog to buy over the phone and have never been disappointed. Their bulls have built us a better cowherd and our calves are in demand every year. We trust them and will continue to buy bulls from Flying H Genetics.”
Brenner Ranch – Colorado Cattle Family
“We recently purchased a black SimAngus & Simmental bull from Flying H Genetics. We are extremely please with how docile both bulls are. We had the Simmental bull with our daughter’s cow calf pair she shows in the county fair and began to notice how extremely gentle he was. Therefore, our daughters wanted to try putting a halter on him in hopes of taking the bull to the fair. After a few weeks of watching him we gave into to the kids request and put a halter on him. We tied him to a fence and within four hours we were able to lead him. We only had two months to work with him before the fair, but he was so calm visitors young and old were able to pet and climb all over him. He acted better than some of the animals that the kids had worked with for six months or more. We are anxious to get calves out of both bulls in the spring.”
Darren, Renee, Rachael & Abby Ice – Missouri Cow Family
“So far, we are very pleased with our purchase. I believe they look better on our farm than they did at the sale. We’re eager to see our first crop of calves. Thanks for being concerned enough to follow up. That’s the kind of folks you like to do business with and tell your friends.”
Danny Brinsfield – Oklahoma Cowman
“The bulls I purchased last year and the new one this spring have all held together well and stayed in good pasture condition through their first breeding seasons. My first crop of calves came really easy and are the nicely muscled, fast growing kind.”
Gary Endicott – Missouri Cowman
“It was my first time to purchase a bull online and I was very pleased with the service I received from Flying H. The bull I purchased went right to work, being grass developed, he didn’t melt down. Compared to other red Angus sales, I got a lot of value for my dollar.”
Randy Hayes – Missouri Cowman
“We placed 75 steers stemming from many generations of Flying H Herdbulls on feed for 183 days beginning in January 2008 right when corn prices were hitting $6.00. Harvest weight averaged 1502 pounds, because they were age and source verified and destined for the Japanese market without over weight discounts. They produced the following data: ADG – 4.15, FE – 6.29, COG – $82.39, % Choice – 86%, Profit per head – $103.30.”
Taylor Ranch – Nebraska Cattlemen
“I wanted to see if there really was a lot of difference in the performance of my steer calves sired by hybrid bulls over those sired by my Angus. So, I weighted each group at weaning and found that the hybrid sired calves were 109 lbs. heavier on average than my straight Angus sired calves.”
Todd Sickman – Missouri Cattleman
“I turned in six young Flying H bulls this November and was very satisfied with their performance. They were aggressive breeders and the day I pulled them off the cows, they looked as good as they did when I turned them in. I would say that some even looked better, because they continued to grow.”
Dusty Kalberloh – Missouri Cattleman
“Our Grown on Grass herdbull held together extremely well through this first breeding season and even continued to grow. It’s good to see someone developing bulls in a similiar environment to what cows are expected to survive in.”
John & Denise Simonis – Midwestern Cattleman & Cattle Woman
“I’ve hauled bulls for about every major bull producer in Midwest Missouri and none can compare to the docility and easy handling of Flying H Bulls.”
Bill Bauer – Midwestern Cattleman
“The SimAngus bull I purchased from Flying H has been a real headache-free experience. He didn’t melt or fall apart and looks about like he did the day he was delivered. To top it off, his dispostion and overall attitude has been truly excellent.”
Brent Jones – Midwestern Cattleman
“I purchased a Balancer bull for my heifers and was extremely satisfied that he held his body condition all summer. This was especially impressive for an animal that was such an active breeder.”
Dan Moran – Midwestern Cattleman