Cows and Bull Types Flying H Genetics Offer

Select a type to learn more.

Simangus Cattle
SimAngus refers to cattle with the following characteristics: the animal is at least 1/4 Simmental and 1/4 Angus or Red Angus and no more than 3/4 Simmental or no more than 3/4 Angus or Red Angus.

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Balancer Cattle
Balancer cattle combine the Gelbvieh growth, muscle, leanness and fertility with the maternal and marbling of Angus.

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Gelbvieh Cattle
Gelbvieh cattle are known for their fertility, milking / mothering abilities, and docility. You don't have worry about losing money on cows that don't breed back or cows that won't raise a calf.

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Simmental Cattle
One of the Simmental breed's biggest advantages is it's adaptability to unique environments or purposes.

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Angus Cattle
Angus Cattle offer functionality and value to your herds, while cutting operating costs, reducing time and labor requirements, and boosting profits.

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Red Angus Cattle
Red Angus provide a continuity and uniformity of color to any crossbreeding system, they are more heat tolerant than black and the bronze pigmentation and carry no diluter genes and thus avoid the grays that result when crossbreeding with blacks.

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Fusion Cattle
FUSION is a three breed composite consisting of Angus, Gelbvieh and Simmental genetics in varying percentages but mostly 50% Angus and/or Red Angus; 25% Gelbvieh; 25% Simmental.

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Money Makin Mamas
Money Makin' Mamas start with the best genetics and breeds available, and then have to prove their worth in the real world.

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Flying H Genetics provides eight different types of cows and bulls, including some of the most famous and sought-after breeds for meat production and breeding. Each of these breeds animals have been carefully selected using the latest genetic evaluation techniques, ensuring that every new calf exhibits the best characteristics of the breed. Whatever type of cattle you are looking for, Flying H Genetics can provide you with the healthiest cows and bulls of the species.

Using genetically enhanced EPDs and multi-trait DNA analysis, Flying H provides the most precise genetic monitoring, resulting in cattle that only exhibit the finest qualities. There is no need to produce a large number of calves or wait until maturity and slaughter to find the best breeding characteristics. Instead, genetic assessment pinpoints the finest traits in each breed, helping identify the animals that produce these traits and allowing us to selectively breed only the best cattle for customers.

If you are looking for cattle with the finest, more delicious meat, consider angus and red angus cattle. If you are looking for cows that grow quickly and reach a high weight, ask about Simmental or Simangus breeds. If you are looking for ideal breeding females, learn more about the Gelvieh and Balancer cattle, as well as Money Makin’ Mommas.

These breeds are selected for their high-quality meat production, the marbling of their meat, and their ability to birth and raise cattle. By selecting the right cattle for your needs, you can reduce costs by using less feed and losing less cattle to birth or health problems, allowing you to increase profit margins and overall herd health. Get high-quality cattle animals by placing an order for animals from Flying H Genetics today.

We stand behind every animal we sell.

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