
A Family Owned Ranch Since 1948.

Features that separate us from our competitors

You don't want to buy a bull that causes calving difficulty, and we don't want to sell you one. Flying H Genetics utilizes every tool available to identify and eliminate hard-calving bulls and guarantees every bull we sell to not cause above-normal calving difficulty due to genetics..

Learn More About Calving Ease

"Money Makin' Mamas" -Profitable cows are especially important if the cows in question are producing the bulls you buy! Genetics of both your cows and bulls are a big part of whether your calves make you money. In the cattle business, profit isn't everything but it is necessary if you're to sustain the operation long term. Since your cows have such a big impact on profit, they are critical to your success!

Learn More About Money Makin' Mamas

This means our bulls and females are developed on roughage diets to make sure they can make a living on roughages. Developing bulls and heifers on roughages trains them to forage and work for their food and helps us identify those that cannot survive without a corn bucket so we can eliminate them before marketing them as breeding stock.

Learn More About Roughage 'N Ready

By raising our bulls and females on fescue year-round, providing supplement only as needed, bulls and heifers that aren't suited to the environment can usually be identified within two to three months. We then can eliminate 10%-15% of the bulls that can't handle that environment.

Learn More About Fescue Adapted / Grown On Grass

Our Roughage N’ Ready Bulls and Females and GROWN ON GRASS Bull programs.

In 1968 we started taking weights to identify the better growing bulls. By adding AI and ET in the 1970’s, Angus, Gelbvieh, hybrids and DNA analysis for coat color in the 80’s, and Simmental genetics, EPD’s, carcass and ultrasound measurements in the 90’s, our ability to produce and identify better cattle exploded.

Now in 2016, Genetically Enhanced EPD’s utilizing multitrait DNA analysis eclipses all of the other advancements in its ability to help us more accurately identify the real genetics of every animal we sell! This is Huge! We can now offer you bulls and females with an accuracy of predictions equivalent to having already produced and slaughtered 5-20 calves depending on the trait. So when you select an animal and rely on the EPD’s to tell you what that animals calves will do, you can be more confident than ever that what you see is what you get!

Our goal for 66 years has been to produce the best, cull the unacceptable and stand behind every animal we sell. Genomically enhanced genetic evaluation helps us move another step closer to perfection. Please review the bulls and the powerful genetic packages offered. Whether you’re looking for heifer bulls, power bulls or balanced genetics, we offer several options that give you that plus the natural “Steroid” of heterosis. For those of you who are not already our customers, We dare you to compare Flying H Genetics Bulls/Females to your current supplier! We are confident you will like what you see.

We stand behind every animal we sell.

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