What’s better, Bull Breeding or Artificial Insemination?: A ‘Cowculator’

"Cowculator" What do you need to add up all the milk in the grocery store?

A “cowculator.”

While that may evoke a smile, the Cowculator is a serious tool that breeders can use to determine the cost/benefit ratio of breeding cows naturally or through artificial insemination.

For years, using breeding bulls was seen as the least expensive choice, but as a recent article in Beef Magazine explains, the cost of semen and synchronization products has not increased at the same rate as the cost in bulls.

As such, breeders are finding scenarios where artificial insemination has the same, if not, more economic value than total bull breeding.

The Cowculator is a free app both for Apple and Android devices, and it allows producers to input information about bull costs, semen costs and other factors to compare the economic cost of breeding versus timed AI. Timed AI can shorten the calving season, increase calf uniformity, create earlier season births, enhance pre-weaning growth and create heavier calves at weaning.

The Cowculator features a number of helpful features, including:

• Determines the economic feasibility of artificially inseminating cattle based on a number of inputs.

• Can email you the results with the click of a button.

• Helps you locate nearby estrus synchronization product supplies.

• Delivers educational resources and outlets.

• Gives direct access to social media outlets for conversations on estrus synchronization.

• Displays a YouTube feed for the app where helpful tips are posted.

If you breed cattle, you should look at the Cowculator as a great tool to help guide your decision making. Flying H Genetics is also a great place to turn  whether you opt to purchase superior breeding bulls or semen, Flying H Genetics offers various genetic packages to fit your exact needs. Call us today at 308-962-6500 to learn more!