Beef Industry’s Roadmap to the Future

Like every industry in the country, it’s important to plan ahead – and by planning ahead we mean really ahead, like five or more years. That’s because it’s very important to stay ahead of trends, know what other areas in the world are doing. Beef production happens all over the world and for Americans to stay as strong as ever, there needs to be thorough plan. Thankfully, a plan has been set in motion, as reported in this article from RFD TV.

They report, “Leaders in the beef industry have crafted a long-range plan to help increase demand and ensure industry success. The five-year plan was drafted by a 16-member task force during the Cattle Industry Conference in Denver.”

This plan took time and entailed a little bit of foresight, as the leaders took a close look at issues and trends that could possibly alter the course of the beef industry. With this information, they put together a roadmap of sorts that will be put into effect in 2016 and direct the beef industry toward what will hopefully be a profitable destination. There, however, is no one destination, but rather a series of benchmarks that the industry hopes to reach.

Such benchmarks include increasing wholesale beef demand index by 2% every year. This would of course the industry as a whole to increase exports, which would protect businesses in the United States. Now, that 2% may seem like a small amount, but over the years, that accumulation can make quite the difference between a healthy beef industry and a thriving one.