Barn-Raised Herds: A Rising Option

In recent years, viable grassland has become very expensive to rent or own. So expensive, in fact, that many looking to get into the cow/calf business may find that they have enough funds to buy land, but not enough for operating expenses and growing an inventory of cattle. This has led many potential cattle producers to turn to a new way of raising their cattle.

Barn-Raised CattleThey are purchasing large barns known as hoop barns and raising the cattle inside of them instead of on grass reports The Progressive Farmer. Purchasing enough space for a barn instead of buying a ranch or grazing fields marks a substantially less expensive way to get into the business than buying land.

The hoop barns also keep cattle shielded from the elements, ultimately diminishing the risk of the cattle succumbing to the extremes of heat or cold. In fact, they are designed to keep the cattle in a natural dry environment year round. These barns keep cattle warm during the cold winds of winter, using a ridge vent that prevents the cold air from affecting the cows. In summer months, the building can be opened up, allowing breezes to naturally flow through in a sort of fan effect, keeping the cattle cool and circulating fresh air.

Another great perk of the hoop barns is that they protect cattle from predators. Investing in a hoop barn allows cattlemen to create a protected environment where the animals interact with one another instead of outside forces.

If one is considering raising cattle inside using a hoop building, the type of cattle and the management  of the cattle may vary considerably from tradition open range ranching and needs to researched before proceeding.

If you’re looking to get into the cattle business, look no further than Flying H Genetics. We offer superior genetics in packages built to work for a living.  Flying H Genetics are designed to make you money.  For more information on our services, call today at 308-962-6500!